The Good Coconut
January 29th 2015 (Day 2,800)

Can a coconut save a dolphin's life? Or perhaps a turtle, a shark, or even an endangered stretch of coral reef? What if the humble coconut, one found on a warm beach hidden on an uninhabited South Pacific tropical Island, had the potential to help raise awareness to protect our world's oceans and its valuable marine life?

Inspired by the ocean on which Dream Time has sailed for over seven years, and the vast and treasured marine life Neville and Catherine have experienced whilst living a life at sea, zeroXTE is proud to introduce The Good Coconut, a campaign dedicated to supporting Oceana - the largest international organization focused solely on ocean conservation.

Designed and hand carved by Neville, The Good Coconut will become a series of detailed sculptures, each inspired by, and as unique as, the experiences Neville and Catherine have shared in some of the most fascinating and treasured corners of the world. From swimming with a newborn humpback whale, basking with marine iguanas on volcanic rocks, freediving with manta rays, surfing with dolphins, drift-diving with hundreds of sharks, to exploring coral reefs brimming with colorful sea life, each coconut sculpture captures the ocean's movement, an expression of the sea, and its inhabitants.

The Good Coconut sculptures, which can take Neville up to a month to complete, also feature designs influenced by the cultures from the region in which it was carved - Samoan symbols of strength, Polynesian patterns of waves, balance and harmony. Finally, each coconut is engraved with the latitude and longitude that marks the exact location of where it was discovered. These coordinates are highlighted with teak dust sanded from Dream Time's decks - so each coconut sculpture holds just a little of the very sailboat that navigated to its shores.

In addition to the money raised by zeroXTE through Dream Time's published magazine stories, Neville and Catherine hope, as they continue to sail around the world, that by auctioning off each coconut sculpture, with a 100% of the proceeds donated to support the valuable work at Oceana, that they can raise awareness and help protect the ocean they have come to love, so that others may have the same opportunities to experience and appreciate its delicate and diverse wonders.

View details of The Good Coconut's first design below, and stay tuned to learn how this sculpture will be auctioned. To learn more about Oceana and how you can make a contribution today, please visit their website at:


The Good Coconut - #1
Location: 16° 31' S / 145° 28' W

Discovered in the heart of the South Pacific - latitude 16° 31' south, longitude 145° 28' west - this coconut was carved to express the gentle flow and eddies of the world's greatest expanse of ocean and it's diverse marine life.

Riding its waves, which detail Polynesian patterns symbolizing ocean, balance and strength, humpback whales watch with interest as their inquisitive newborn swims from the depths to meet a playful pod of dolphins. While near the surface, tuna search for schools of flying fish.

This delicate carving measures 4.7" in diameter and has been carefully polished to highlight key features.



Dream Time's solar panels and new D400 wind generator quietly generating 30+ amps

Quick Fix: 36° 25.6 S / 174° 49.1 E
January 26th, 2015 (day 2,797)
Conditions:  Anchored. Wind: 15/NE  Sky: Clear

Amped Up
Thanks to our new D400 wind generator, Gustavo, we've got more power than we know what to do with! We've been anchored out for over a week and not once needed to run our engine or generator to charge our batteries. In fact we've got so much power, even after running the watermaker, we're now charging every electronic device we can find: laptops, iPads, even our electric toothbrushes are happily displaying glowing green battery lights. Yesterday, during a stiff breeze, Gusty was quietly generating a whopping 20 amps! our solar panels were contributing another 12, and the new fridge insulation is so efficient the compressor barely needs to run at all. The sun-drenched, tradewind-swept tropics await, and we've never been more amped up to get there!

Day 2,795 - Kawau Island, New Zealand (36° 25S 174° 49E)
10:04hrs - January 24th 2015
Sailing Around The World, Phase 2

Well we are back in NZ, over the jetlag and settling into the boat again. I have to admit that the whole leaving the U.S. to return to boat life was filling me with a trepidation I hadn't felt since leaving land the first time 7 years ago, and after all the lovely stateside land life treats full of familiar comforts I wasn't at all sure how it was going to feel. 

It almost felt like we were starting again, from the beginning, with all the unwanted free floating anxieties that seem to accompany that state of mind. Except that now we are actually here, and on the boat again, I can now see that this time we are actually returning to the boat with 7 years of accumulated experience. Combined with the all the work that we've done on the boat over the years to adapt, replace, upgrade and repair various systems, equipment and creature comforts, really it's like we get to start again with almost every question that a new cruiser would have at the beginning of a long journey, answered!

Having said that, I now have a strong impulse to touch wood, which by the way I have just done, so as not to appear to be a smarty pants. I am still, after all, just another superstitious sailor and living this kind of life means that there will always be unknowables, things that we simply can't know about till we get there. But starting again from here, 7 years in, at the beginning of ‘phase 2’ I have to say, I think we are in excellent shape!


A cold Hinano on a hot kiwi summer afternoon, cheers - here's to a great New Year!

Quick Fix: 36° 37.4 S / 174° 47.2 E
January 9th, 2015 (day 2,780)
Conditions:  Wind: 12/NE  Sky: Clear

Kia Ora!
After 28 hours of travel, we've finally returned to Aotearoa,
'the land of the long white cloud', and are reunited with Dream Time. During our extended shore leave she's weathered a tough New Zealand winter complete with record-breaking downpours and a particularly nasty Tasman Sea storm that swept the marina with biting hurricane force winds. However, despite a rough season and a few worn docklines, she's in great condition. We've already rigged her sails, dusted her cabins, and even taken her on our first 2015 passage. Sure it was only from N-dock to D-dock, but it felt just great to be behind the helm again! Our new fridge/freezer is complete, and we also discovered the local supermarket now stocks Hinano, my favorite Tahitian beer. Damn it's good to be back!